DAC System SA
Via Cantonale 18
6928 Manno
8406 Winterthur, Technoparkstrasse 2 / Trakt A, 3. OG, Büro 3110
+41 78 203 30 33
Konstruktion und Produktion industrieller Systeme, Bau, Kauf, Verkauf, Vermarktung, Import und Export aller Materialien und Maschinen im Zusammenhang mit industriellen Systemen
Technoparkstrasse 2
8406 Winterthur
Dahlem & Adam Consulting Services AG - DACS
8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Newton 1001
+41 44 536 11 85
Wir digitalisieren Projektmanagement basierend auf modernsten Cloud-Technologien von Microsoft. Unsere Lösungen sind flexibel einsetzbar für alle Branchen und Unternehmensgrössen.
Dahlem & Adam Consulting Services AG - DACS
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich
8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Zeppelin 4009 (c/o VALFOO AG)
+41 78 718 94 53
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich
Daysoft AG
9490 Vaduz, Schaanerstrasse 27
+41 76 520 38 03
We are contributing a new horizon with application and education module projects to usage of VR, that is used in a wide range of training for surgical medicine to astronomy. Thus, we are leading an innovative and pioneering project for defence industry in Turkey which is far ahead from current techniques and technologies. In this way, those two opposite perceptions, virtual and real are synthesized by bringing virtual closer to reality and reflecting one to one. This synthesis is formed by working with professionals in the frame of software, 3D modelling and business development disciplines.
Daysoft AG
Schaanerstrasse 27
9490 Vaduz
ddrobotec® by Dynamic Devices AG
8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Werkhalle C 0005
+41 78 944 26 49
ddrobotec® by Dynamic Devices is a Swiss sports and health tech company that designs, builds and markets cloud-powered intelligent robotic personal trainers. Its solutions provide cost-effective, personalized performance enhancement and healthcare at scale.
ddrobotec® by Dynamic Devices AG
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich
6039 ROOT D4, Platz 4
Unterstützung von therapeutischen und regenerativen Massnahmen in den Bereichen Wundversorgung und Durchblutungsstörungen durch eine Verbesserung der Mikrozirkulation DANK dem patentierten delin bionics® reflector patch (Medizinprodukt), basierend auf der delin bionics S.R.A. Verfahrenstechnologie
Platz 4
6039 ROOT D4
8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Darwin 2001 / 2002
+41 44 445 31 30
DELTA JS is the developer of the leading rotor dynamic simulation software MADYN 2000. Customers in the whole world trust our product for the design lay-out for rotor-gear-bearing systems. Development and distribution of the software, training and engineering services are our core business.
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich
Digit Soil AG
8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 13
Digit Soil brings you the best tools for soil care. Unlock your soil's potential with our device—measure enzymatic activity and discover its mineralization power at a glance! We provide solutions from basic research to field application.
Digit Soil AG
Wagistrasse 13
8952 Schlieren
Digital Assets Technologies AG (DAT)
8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Edison 3001
+41 79 388 08 99
Digital Assets Technologies (DAT) AG bridges the last mile between crypto-assets and traditional accounting systems. Our B2B solution enables professional accountants to import, review and amend crypto-asset transactions from various blockchains to finally import and synchronise them with supported accounting systems. DAT AG provides a seamless, trusted, secure solution for crypto-asset reporting directly via our enterprise API.
Digital Assets Technologies AG (DAT)
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich