3 Firmen

QBIT Capital AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Pauli 3002

 +41 79 797 97 99

QBIT Capital AG is a Venture Capital and Asset Management firm. QBIT Capital introduces an Innovative and Disruptive way into Capital Management. We create Value and Identify New Emerging, Disruptive Business Opportunities, for substantial long-term financial appreciation. We do it by leveraging 30+ years of international experience and our large network to bring value to families and their businesses. We have vast expertise of reading the market, identifying investment trends and opportunities that will shape the world, and instigating collaborations with smart people.

QBIT Capital AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich



7302 Landquart, Bahnhofstrasse 11

Wuerfeli liefert dir das kleinste CO2 Messgerät bequem nach Hause. Alle Wuerfeli werden in der Schweiz hergestellt und arbeiten mit dem neusten Sensor aus dem Hause Sensirion.


Bahnhofstrasse 11

7302 Landquart

Qvanteq AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer Nord 2021

 +41 44 500 98 90

Development and manufacturing of bioactive vascular stents to restore flow in diseased blood vessels.

Qvanteq AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

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