7 Firmen

Resmonics AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer Süd 1005

 +41 76 403 34 66

Die Resmonics AG, ein Spin-Off der ETH Zürich und Universität St. Gallen, entwickelt ein KI-basiertes Sensorsystem für Spitäler, das in Echtzeit Gesundheitsrisiken für Mitarbeiter erkennt und mittels frühzeitiger Warnungen Krankheitsfälle verhindert.

Resmonics AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

Rimon Technologies GmbH


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer Nord 2023

 +41 79 547 46 21

Rimon Technologies stellt Fertigungs- und Serviceunternehmen ein System zur Verfügung, das hilft, das Fachwissen der Mitarbeiter zu sammeln und zu teilen. Mitarbeiter arbeiten so selbstständiger, Betriebsstillstände werden vermieden und ihr Wissen bleibt in der Firma.

Rimon Technologies GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

Ritz Engineering GmbH


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Darwin 1009

 +41 44 500 25 42

We provide in the ICT Sector: Agility Consulting in Project Management, Requirements Engineering, Business Analysis, Modeling and Solution Development. We provide furthermore consulting of Large Scale ICT Enterprise Applications and their ICT Enterprise Architecture Management. Our Engineering and Product Development covers IoT as Sensor / Actuator / Microcontroller / Beacon Development with BLE / WiFi / LORAWAN and Blockchain capabilities, Value Chain Monitoring, Wearable Devices, GraphDB / Deep Learning Management and Blockchain Oracles. We provide the 1st TTN (The Things Network) Gateway @ Technopark

Ritz Engineering GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

Robert Kennedy College AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Kopernikus 5001 (via Lift 1)

 +41 44 445 33 33

Robert Kennedy College is a private educational institution in Zürich, Switzerland that was founded in 1998. The College pioneered Swiss quality online learning; we offer rigorous but flexible learning programmes, enhanced by state of the art online e-learning technology that has been developed entirely in-house.

Robert Kennedy College AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

Robolem AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer Nord 2025


Robolem has developed a product that automatically transports goods on a chassis with any superstructure. The company advises you on how to perform transport tasks easily.

Robolem AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich



8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Pauli 4001 (c/o itopia ag - corporate information technology)

 +41 78 949 37 70

RS DYNAMICS is a leading Swiss company within handheld, field use devices to concur terroristic threats with cutting-edge scientific results. The company success is based on several award winning, patented technologies that have been developed by the international RD team. Products are being sold worldwide with several hundred pieces in almost every continent. Other activities of the company range from products for the identification of soil contamination up to early stage detection devices within the medtech field. The leading product within the explosive trace detection unit, miniEXPLONIX has been deployed with several hundred pieces around the globe. Our customers value the high resistance against cross-talk, fast start-up times and robustness even in most hostile conditions with temper


Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

RTDT Laboratories AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Darwin 5001 (c/o Akina AG)

 +41 787 67 8252

RTDT is developing Aerosense, a novel hardware-enabled-AI that is thin, flexible wireless and autonomous for capture of aerodynamic, vibration and acoustic insights on wind turbine rotor blades. RTDT’s technology enables the next generation of autonomous & intelligent wind turbine control, design and operation.

RTDT Laboratories AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

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