12 Firmen mit Ergebnissen für "lar"

ETH Zürich - Feasibility Lab


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1

ETH Zürich - Feasibility Lab

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

336 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter ETH Zürich - Feasibility Lab


...  Acknowledgement  Received  ( LAR):  seqno  of  last  ACK    -­‐  Last  Frame  Sent  (LFS)   Sliding  Window ... :  Sender  Invariant   •  Maintain  invariant:  LFS  –   LAR  ≤  SWS   •  Buffer  up  to  SWS  unacknowledged ...  Acknowledgement  Received  ( LAR):  seqno  of  last  ACK    -­‐  Last  Frame  Sent  (LFS)   Sliding  Window ... :  Sender  Invariant   •  Maintain  invariant:  LFS  –   LAR  ≤  SWS   •  Buffer  up  to  SWS  unacknowledged ...


... )transmit) )Y)Last)Acknowledgement)Received)( LAR):)seqno)of)last)ACK) )Y)Last)Frame)Sent)(LFS)) Sliding ... )Window:)Sender)Invariant) •  Maintain)invariant:)LFS)–) LAR)≤)SWS) •  Buffer)up)to)SWS)unacknowledged ... )transmit) )Y)Last)Acknowledgement)Received)( LAR):)seqno)of)last)ACK) )Y)Last)Frame)Sent)(LFS)) Sliding ... )Window:)Sender)Invariant) •  Maintain)invariant:)LFS)–) LAR)≤)SWS) •  Buffer)up)to)SWS)unacknowledged ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Einstein PFA G 11 (2. OG)

ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

503 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung

Sensitivity study for proton decay via p K+ in the Deep Underground...

... x-sections & nuclear model → µ, e, pi, p, n, γ, K, Σ, ... Interactions in 1 mton·yrs LAr (300 000 ... mton·yrs LAr (300 000 events): Christoph Alt p → K+ν¯ in DUNE Slide 3 / 7 Signal p → K+ν¯, K+ → µ+νµ ... x-sections & nuclear model → µ, e, pi, p, n, γ, K, Σ, ... Interactions in 1 mton·yrs LAr (300 000 ... mton·yrs LAr (300 000 events): Christoph Alt p → K+ν¯ in DUNE Slide 3 / 7 Signal p → K+ν¯, K+ → µ+νµ ...

DeltaNet – Chemical and Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory |...

... repression). Two versions of DeltaNet are available; DeltaNet- LAR which uses least angle regression and ... (versions 3.2.2 or 3.2.3 ) and R packages: "lars" for DeltaNet- lar, "glmnet", "cvTools" and "methods" for ... available; DeltaNet- LAR which uses least angle regression and DeltaNet-LASSO which uses LASSO regression ... packages: "lars" for DeltaNet- lar, "glmnet", "cvTools" and "methods" for DeltaNet-lasso, and "doParallel ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

ANSYS Switzerland GmbH


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Zeppelin 3003

 +41 44 500 93 60

ANSYS ist der weltweit führende Anbieter von technischen Simulationslösungen und entwickelt, vertreibt und unterstützt Software für Engineering Simulation. Was ANSYS auszeichnet und von anderen professionellen Berechnungsprogrammen abhebt, ist unter anderem seine Multiphysikfähigkeit. Es kann neben Mechanik und Heattransfer ebenso Fluidynamik, Akustik und Elektromagnetik berechnet werden. Auch die gleichzeitige gekoppelte Behandlung dieser physikalischen Aspekte in einer Simulation ist abgedeckt.

ANSYS Switzerland GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

4 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter ANSYS Switzerland GmbH

Jet Towers.indd

... . Challenges Jet Towers management had the idea of a modu- lar line of towers based on components that are ... . Challenges Jet Towers management had the idea of a modu- lar line of towers based on components that are ...

ANSYS Maxwell Magnetic Field Formulation

... vector potential T and magnetic sca- lar potential Ω, and curl of the electrical vector potential T is ... vector potential T and magnetic sca- lar potential Ω, and curl of the electrical vector potential T is ...

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8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Darwin 3002

 +41 44 515 78 00

Leading provider of Multiphysics simulation software for applications in mechanics, heat transfer, acoustics, electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, chemical reactions and particle tracing. COMSOL helps you to optimize your designs, accurately predict the behavior of prototypes and turn your technology ideas into successful products - quickly and at low cost.


Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

3 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS GmbH

... for this internal damping, and out. Testing takes a further two months. In particu- lar, the extra ... for this internal damping, and out. Testing takes a further two months. In particu- lar, the extra ...

... mode) means the voltage is obtained in 1 direction perpendicu- lar to the direction of applied force(3 ... mode) means the voltage is obtained in 1 direction perpendicu- lar to the direction of applied force(3 ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

Swiss Infosec AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer West 2013

 +41 41 984 12 12

Die Swiss Infosec AG unterstützt Unternehmen und Organisationen bei der Identifizierung und Erreichung von Sicherheitszielen in den Bereichen Datenschutz, Informationssicherheit und IT-Sicherheit. Das Unternehmen verfolgt einen integralen Sicherheitsansatz und ist auf Beratung, Coaching und Ausbildung spezialisiert.

Swiss Infosec AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

1 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter Swiss Infosec AG

Mindset Information Governance

... administrations in particu- lar, such as the federal administration, supplement the protection goals of ... administrations in particu- lar, such as the federal administration, supplement the protection goals of ...

Zurich Instruments AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Edison 2006

 +41 44 515 04 10

Zurich Instruments makes instrumentation for quantum computing and periodic signal measurements. Over 170 employees help to advance science by offering expert service and a wide product portfolio: Quantum computing control systems, lock-in amplifiers, phase-locked loops, arbitrary waveform generators, impedance analyzers, digitizers, and boxcar averagers. We are a part of Rohde & Schwarz company.

Zurich Instruments AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

1 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter Zurich Instruments AG

... LabOne software and APIs are pro- duced by Zurich Instruments and upgraded on a regu- lar basis ... LabOne software and APIs are pro- duced by Zurich Instruments and upgraded on a regu- lar basis ...

Arvato Systems (Schweiz) AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Kopernikus 6017 (via Lift 3)

 +41 44 307 14 01

Arvato Systems (Schweiz) AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

6 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter Arvato Systems (Schweiz) AG

Microsoft Word - GPC - Movable goods and merchandise (November 2017...

... or other related preparations or simi- lar items shall only be subject to costs upon specific agree ... or other related preparations or simi- lar items shall only be subject to costs upon specific agree ...

Microsoft Word - GPC - Rental of transmission channels (November 20...

... specifications, project planning documents, plans, drawings and models or other related preparations or simi- lar ... specifications, project planning documents, plans, drawings and models or other related preparations or simi- lar ...

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FernUniversität in Hagen


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer Süd 1007

 +41 44 445 19 45

Die FernUniversität in Hagen ist seit über 40 Jahren eine Spezialistin für lebensbegleitendes Lernen: So erhalten Studierende auch neben Beruf oder Familienarbeit die Chance auf eine qualitativ hochwertige akademische Ausbildung.

FernUniversität in Hagen

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

5 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter FernUniversität in Hagen

... matroid, though. Even for orientable matroids with a unique reorientation class, e.g. regu- lar matroids ... matroid, though. Even for orientable matroids with a unique reorientation class, e.g. regu- lar matroids ...

... of the Swiss Confederation (Alte Eidgenossenschaft). In particu- lar, the 1815 Constitution ... of the Swiss Confederation (Alte Eidgenossenschaft). In particu- lar, the 1815 Constitution ...

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Accelerom AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Darwin 3012

 +41 43 205 29 18

Wir sind ein international tätiges Beratungs- und Researchunternehmen und unterstützen Mittelstandsunternehmen sowie multinationale Konzerne im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft aus unterschiedlichen Branchen dabei, in ihrer Omnichannel-Marktbearbeitung erfolgreicher zu werden. Unsere Auftraggeber begleiten wir von der Analyse über die Entscheidungsfindung bis hin zur Umsetzung von Strategien und Kampagnen. Dabei dreht sich bei uns alles um die Perspektive des Kunden und seine Customer Journey. Unsere Lösungen für Marketing, Vertrieb, Kommunikation und Services sind immer ganzheitlich, immer messbar und immer fokussiert auf Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit.

Accelerom AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

1 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter Accelerom AG

360° Touchpoint Management - How Important is Twitter for our brand?

... rising requirement to clarify the value of particu- lar marketing strategies for the company, and to ... rising requirement to clarify the value of particu- lar marketing strategies for the company, and to ...



8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Pauli 4001 (c/o itopia ag - corporate information technology)

 +41 78 949 37 70

RS DYNAMICS is a leading Swiss company within handheld, field use devices to concur terroristic threats with cutting-edge scientific results. The company success is based on several award winning, patented technologies that have been developed by the international RD team. Products are being sold worldwide with several hundred pieces in almost every continent. Other activities of the company range from products for the identification of soil contamination up to early stage detection devices within the medtech field. The leading product within the explosive trace detection unit, miniEXPLONIX has been deployed with several hundred pieces around the globe. Our customers value the high resistance against cross-talk, fast start-up times and robustness even in most hostile conditions with temper


Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

1 Ergebnisse für "lar" unter RS DYNAMICS LLC

... exhibit great soil mobility than higher-molecu- lar-weight PAHs (Table 5). However, as a chemical group ... high molecu- lar weight PAHs classed as probable human carcinogens has been proposed by the USEPA ... exhibit great soil mobility than higher-molecu- lar-weight PAHs (Table 5). However, as a chemical group ... high molecu- lar weight PAHs classed as probable human carcinogens has been proposed by the USEPA ...

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