7 Firmen mit Ergebnissen für "lab"

Roche Glycart AG


8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 10

 +41 43 215 10 00

The mission of the Roche Innovation Center Zurich (RICZ) is to be a leader in developing new generations of engineered antibody products with increased efficacy that address unmet clinical needs. The RICZ site is also the Center of Excellence in Cancer Immunotherapy within the Roche Group.

Roche Glycart AG

Wagistrasse 10

8952 Schlieren

42 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter Roche Glycart AG

Core Lab

... til blokering af annoncer, og slå privat tilstand fra. Core Lab   Klinisk kemi og immunkemi Roche ... Core Lab ... Core Lab Det lader til, at du benytter inkognitotilstand/private browservinduer eller et program ... Core Lab ...

Về Lab Insights

... Giới thiệu Lab Insights Lab Insights là một nền tảng hữu ích để thực hiện các cuộc khảo sát đánh giá ... Về Lab Insights ... Về Lab Insights Có vẻ như bạn đang sử dụng chế độ trình duyệt ẩn danh/riêng tư hoặc đang bật chức ... Về Lab Insights ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

Dinamiqs – a Siegfried company


8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 25


We are a science-driven contract development and manufacturing organization offering end-to-end viral vector manufacturing solutions. We offer customized services for companies and institutions developing innovative genetic medicines. As a science and technology-driven platform, we provide a comprehensive approach to viral vector manufacturing, from lab-scale development to scalable bioreactor implementation, process optimization, formulation, and stringent quality control.

Dinamiqs – a Siegfried company

Wagistrasse 25

8952 Schlieren

ETH Entrepreneurship


8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 18


Excellence in entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich is driven by world-​class research and education. It gives rise to groundbreaking new ventures that consolidate Switzerland’s technological leadership. Are you an aspiring entrepreneur seeking to find solutions to global challenges and create a better future for humanity. Or are you just interested in the entrepreneurial ecosystem at ETH Zurich? Browse our websites to find out more or reach out to the Entrepreneurship group, if you have any questions. 

ETH Entrepreneurship

Wagistrasse 18

8952 Schlieren

21 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter ETH Entrepreneurship

Future Cities Lab: European – South East Asian Architectural Dialog...

... Saal. In der nächsten Begegnung im Rahmen der Future Cities Lab Architekturdialoge diskutieren Robin ... Future Cities Lab: European – South East Asian Architectural Dialogue - NSL – Netzwerk Stadt und ... https://www.nsl.ethz.ch/fr/future-cities- lab-european-south-east-asian-architectural-dialogue/ ... Future Cities Lab: European – South East Asian Architectural Dialogue - NSL – Netzwerk Stadt und ...

... https://mm.ethz.ch/people/ lab-members/staff.html ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

University Hospital Zurich​, Research and Education Office


8091 Zürich, Rämistrasse 100

The University Hospital Zurich is one of Switzerland’s largest hospitals and a pioneering institution in the field of clinical research. In its 40 departments and institutes, it assembles and practices all medical disciplines and enjoys an excellent reputation for state-of-the-art medicine, professional and com- passionate patient care, and groundbreaking bench-to-bedside translational medical research.

University Hospital Zurich​, Research and Education Office

Rämistrasse 100

8091 Zürich

3 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter University Hospital Zurich​, Research and Education Office

... http://www.pathologie.usz.ch/forschung/moch-schraml- lab/_vti_bin/spsdisco.aspx ...

... http://www.pathologie.usz.ch/forschung/weber- lab/_vti_bin/spsdisco.aspx ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

ProteoMediX AG


8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 23

 +41 44 733 40 90

ProteoMediX is a spinoff company of ETH Zurich and specialized in the identification of novel biomarkers for the early detection of cancer and the personalized treatment thereof.

ProteoMediX AG

Wagistrasse 23

8952 Schlieren

2 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter ProteoMediX AG

... https://www.proteomedix.com/media/filer_public/4b/90/4b90c4c5-12ea-4565-b90b-7ebdd6d25f95/ lab-to ...

... https://www.proteomedix.com/media/filer_public/35/44/3544b9b8-545f-4682-8758-93cb0f537d1f/ lab-to ...



8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 23

Gene therapy solutions for patients with severe inherited diseases.


Wagistrasse 23

8952 Schlieren

2 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter Somagenetix

UZH - Historisches Seminar - Research

... Studium Universitätsbibliothek Digital History Lab HS-Alumni Prof. Dr. Roberto Zaugg Universität Zürich ...


IstitutoSvizzero, https://www.sglp.uzh.ch/dam/jcr:ece2f32d-0bdc-403b-a9b6-35e6bb306c4b/ISR_RapportoAnnuale2010.pdf, IstitutoSvizzero JAHRESBERICHT RAPPORT ANNUEL RAPPORTO ANNUALE 2010 2010 3 Stift...

University of Zurich


8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 12

The University of Zurich (UZH) is Switzerland’s largest university, with seven faculties and a current enrollment of over 26,000 students. More than 5,000 highly qualified members of the teaching staff, including some 580 professors, teach and conduct research at the 150 University institutes. In the field of life sciences, the University of Zurich is well known for its groundbreaking research in medicine, immunology, neuroscience, and structural biology. In the interest of serving the community, the University of Zurich promotes the transfer of research-based knowledge to private enterprise, and our spin-off ventures and business partnerships regularly lead to the creation of attractive jobs in innovative fields.

University of Zurich

Wagistrasse 12

8952 Schlieren

1 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter University of Zurich

http://www.med.uzh.ch/dam/jcr:7300b5a8-5894-4895-96e1-fc62eef0c53b/Goetzpreis_Broschuere_2017.pdf, Georg Friedrich Götz-Preis 2017 Georg Friedrich Götz-Stiftung Medizinische Fakultät der Universit...

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