8 Firmen mit Ergebnissen für "lab"

ETH Zürich - Feasibility Lab


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1

ETH Zürich - Feasibility Lab

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

33 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter ETH Zürich - Feasibility Lab

... Jekyll 2024-12-18T07:44:23+00:00 https://ait.ethz.ch/feed.xml AIT Lab ... Jekyll 2024-12-18T07:44:23+00:00 https://ait.ethz.ch/feed.xml AIT Lab ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

ETH Zürich - Advanced Manufacturing Lab


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Kopernikus PFA L 55 (6. OG)

 +41 44 632 76 46

ETH Zürich - Advanced Manufacturing Lab

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

Swiss Terahertz GmbH


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Transfer Nord 3026

 +41 75 417 09 20

We are a new startup that focuses on Terahertz technologies. We produce and sell organic crystals for laser lab research, as well as develop and distribute other terahertz components, such as filters, terahertz camera, and inorganic crystals.

Swiss Terahertz GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

ANSYS Switzerland GmbH


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Zeppelin 3003

 +41 44 500 93 60

ANSYS ist der weltweit führende Anbieter von technischen Simulationslösungen und entwickelt, vertreibt und unterstützt Software für Engineering Simulation. Was ANSYS auszeichnet und von anderen professionellen Berechnungsprogrammen abhebt, ist unter anderem seine Multiphysikfähigkeit. Es kann neben Mechanik und Heattransfer ebenso Fluidynamik, Akustik und Elektromagnetik berechnet werden. Auch die gleichzeitige gekoppelte Behandlung dieser physikalischen Aspekte in einer Simulation ist abgedeckt.

ANSYS Switzerland GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

23 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter ANSYS Switzerland GmbH

ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero-Carbon Energy

...          ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero-Carbon Energy ENGIE Lab CRIGEN is ENGIE's ... intelligence, drones, robots, nanotechnologies and sensors. These are the main missions of Engie Lab CRIGEN. To ... ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero-Carbon Energy ... https://www.ansys.com/ko-kr/blog/engie- lab-crigen-ansys-zero-carbon-energy ... ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero-Carbon Energy ...

ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero Carbon Energy

... ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero Carbon Energy Ansys collaboration addresses global need ... enabling ENGIE Lab CRIGEN to develop a simulation-based digital twin of an industrial asset to help ... ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero Carbon Energy ... https://www.ansys.com/ko-kr/news-center/press-releases/03-08-21-engie- lab-crigen-ansys-accelerate ... ENGIE Lab CRIGEN and Ansys Accelerate Zero Carbon Energy ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

FARO Swiss Holding GmbH


8200 Schaffhausen, Freier Platz 10 / Newton 5004

 +41 52 560 03 10

We are an imaging company — and an imagining company. We imagine a better, more insightful and capable world realized through 3D digital means and measurement technologies. From the beginning, we’ve been helping our customers make better decisions more quickly and accurately than anyone in the industry. We believe if it can be dreamed, it can be measured. And if it can be measured, it can be realized. PhotoCore is the subsidiary of FARO Technologies and is specialized in photogrammetry and imaging technology.

FARO Swiss Holding GmbH

Freier Platz 10

8200 Schaffhausen

4 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter FARO Swiss Holding GmbH

World’s First FARO-Certified Forensic Science Lab Opens at George M...

... FARO Header Logo World’s First FARO-Certified Forensic Science Lab Opens at George Mason University ... the U.S. Army. Much of the research will be done at Mason’s new five-acre Forensic Field Lab (the Body ... World’s First FARO-Certified Forensic Science Lab Opens at George Mason University to Advance Hands- ... https://www.faro.com/ko-KR/News-Library/2021/Worlds-First-FARO-Certified-Forensic-Science- Lab-Opens ... World’s First FARO-Certified Forensic Science Lab Opens at George Mason University to Advance Hands- ...

FARO Presents Inaugural Conference Signals | News | FARO

... will also have the chance to tour and join hands-on sessions in the exclusive Oracle Innovation Lab ... Innovation Lab, where they will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the latest advancements ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Einstein PFA G 11 (2. OG)

ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

15 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung

... https://rpml.ethz.ch/ lab/location.html ...

... https://plus.ethz.ch/research/forschungsprojekte/future-cities- lab-global---tana/_jcr_content/par ...

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Abbott - Thoratec Switzerland GmbH


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Darwin 1002

 +41 44 275 71 71

Thoratec Switzerland GmbH ist eine Tochterfirma von Abbott, welche sich für die Entwicklung von innovativen Geräten für die Medizintechnik einsetzt. Thoratec entwickelt fortschrittlichste Kreislaufunterstützungsgeräte für Therapien, um den Patienten beste Möglichkeiten zu bieten.

Abbott - Thoratec Switzerland GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

1 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter Abbott - Thoratec Switzerland GmbH

Zurich Instruments AG


8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Edison 2006

 +41 44 515 04 10

Zurich Instruments makes instrumentation for quantum computing and periodic signal measurements. Over 170 employees help to advance science by offering expert service and a wide product portfolio: Quantum computing control systems, lock-in amplifiers, phase-locked loops, arbitrary waveform generators, impedance analyzers, digitizers, and boxcar averagers. We are a part of Rohde & Schwarz company.

Zurich Instruments AG

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

2 Ergebnisse für "lab" unter Zurich Instruments AG

Quantum User Meeting in London | Zurich Instruments

... stay tuned for updates to an exciting program of international speakers, tutorials, LCN lab tours and ... , LCN lab tours and social event! Do you want to receive updates about the meeting? Send a short e-mail ...

Quantum User Meeting in London | Zurich Instruments

... stay tuned for updates to an exciting program of international speakers, tutorials, LCN lab tours and ... , LCN lab tours and social event! Do you want to receive updates about the meeting? Send a short e-mail ...

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