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7 Firmen mit Ergebnissen für "lars"

University Hospital Zurich​, Research and Education Office  

8091 Zürich, Rämistrasse 100

The University Hospital Zurich is one of Switzerland’s largest hospitals and a pioneering institution in the field of clinical research. In its 40 departments and institutes, it assembles and practices all medical disciplines and enjoys an excellent reputation for state-of-the-art medicine, professional and com- passionate patient care, and groundbreaking bench-to-bedside translational medical research.

University Hospital Zurich​, Research and Education Office

Rämistrasse 100

8091 Zürich

1 Ergebnisse für "lars" unter University Hospital Zurich​, Research and Education Office

... lars-husmann/ ...

FARO Swiss Holding GmbH  

8200 Schaffhausen, Freier Platz 10 / Newton 5004

 +41 52 560 03 10

We are an imaging company — and an imagining company. We imagine a better, more insightful and capable world realized through 3D digital means and measurement technologies. From the beginning, we’ve been helping our customers make better decisions more quickly and accurately than anyone in the industry. We believe if it can be dreamed, it can be measured. And if it can be measured, it can be realized. PhotoCore is the subsidiary of FARO Technologies and is specialized in photogrammetry and imaging technology.

FARO Swiss Holding GmbH

Freier Platz 10

8200 Schaffhausen

2 Ergebnisse für "lars" unter FARO Swiss Holding GmbH

조선 산업 | FARO

... help. 이메일 질문 Lars Sörensen SCAN3D 프로젝트가 점점 더 복잡해지면서 병목 현상을 방지할 수 있도록 워크플로우를 개선해야 한다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다. FARO ... 수 있습니다. 고객에게 신뢰할 수 있는 고품질의 데이터를 빠르게 제공할 수 있는 이상적인 기반으로서 회사에 도움을 주고 있습니다. Lars Sörensen SCAN3D 프로젝트가 ...

造船业 | FARO

... 下了坚实基础。 Lars Sörensen SCAN3D 随着项目变得越来越复杂,我们意识到必须改进工作流程才能避免出现瓶颈。美国同行向我们介绍了 FARO 激光跟踪仪,因为他们的使用效率很好,在圆形 ...

Roche Glycart AG  

8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 10

 +41 43 215 10 00

The mission of the Roche Innovation Center Zurich (RICZ) is to be a leader in developing new generations of engineered antibody products with increased efficacy that address unmet clinical needs. The RICZ site is also the Center of Excellence in Cancer Immunotherapy within the Roche Group.

Roche Glycart AG

Wagistrasse 10

8952 Schlieren

2 Ergebnisse für "lars" unter Roche Glycart AG

Rapport: Diagnostikkens rolle i fremtidens sundhedsvæsen

... • John Brodersen, professor ved Københavns Universitet • Lars Dahl Allerup, strategisk indkøber i Region ... , professor ved Københavns Universitet • Lars Dahl Allerup, strategisk indkøber i Region Hovedstaden • Torben ...

2021 Rapport: Diagnostikkens udvikling: Retning og prioritering i s...

... Hospitaler, Lars Dahl Allerup, tidl. leder af Innovative Indkøb og Strategiske Partnerskaber, Koncernindkøb ... , Lars Dahl Allerup, strategisk indkøber i Region Hovedstaden, Liselott Blixt, formand for Folketingets ... Stig Jensen, vicedirektør, Amager og Hvidovre Hospitaler, Lars Dahl Allerup, tidl. leder af Innovative ... Espersen, koncerndirektør i Region Syddanmark, Lars Dahl Allerup, strategisk indkøber i Region Hovedstaden ...

ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung  

8005 Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1 / Einstein PFA G 11 (2. OG)

ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung

Technoparkstrasse 1

8005 Zürich

6 Ergebnisse für "lars" unter ETH Zürich - Numerische Materialmodellierung

29 | März 2016: Unter der Oberfläche - NSL – Netzwerk Stadt und Lan...

... , Nicole la Wunderlust/Wanderkammer Lars Müller Publishers.  Mehr Eine Wunderkammer entzieht sich ... (Hrsg.) achtung: die Landschaft. Lässt sich die Stadt anders denken? Ein erster Versuch Lars Müller ... Wunderlust/Wanderkammer Lars Müller Publishers.  Mehr Eine Wunderkammer entzieht sich ausdrücklich einer ... anders denken? Ein erster Versuch Lars Müller Publishers.  Mehr In freier Anspielung auf das Plädoyer ...

... Lars Tiemann ?? ?? DNS 90 m 81 Helen Ebbe ?? ?? DNS 91 f 87 Lukas Novotny ?? ?? DNS 92 m TIMING-TEAM ... Lars Tiemann ?? ?? DNS 90 m 81 Helen Ebbe ?? ?? DNS 91 f 87 Lukas Novotny ?? ?? DNS 92 m TIMING-TEAM ...

Mehr Ergebnisse

CSL Vifor  

8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 25

 +41 58 851 80 00

Pioneer in iron-based therapies, CSL Vifor is a global leader in iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia therapies, with a history dating back to 1872, when pharmacist Caspar Friedrich Hausmann opened a pharmacy in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Since then, we have proven our ability to identify and serve therapeutic areas and patients with significant unmet medical need. Building on our heritage and expertise in iron deficiency therapy, and together with our joint company Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma, today we have a strong and rapidly growing presence in nephrology, and we are committed to launching the next generation of therapies to truly address the full spectrum of kidney disease.

CSL Vifor

Wagistrasse 25

8952 Schlieren

1 Ergebnisse für "lars" unter CSL Vifor

CSL Vifor Sweden-EFPIA-05302023.xlsx

... 9.000,00 Lars Lund SOLNA Sweden Eugeniavägen 3 hiss A8:01 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.500,00 1.220,00 13.720,00 ... 9.000,00 Lars Lund SOLNA Sweden Eugeniavägen 3 hiss A8:01 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.500,00 1.220,00 13.720,00 ...

University of Zurich  

8952 Schlieren, Wagistrasse 12

The University of Zurich (UZH) is Switzerland’s largest university, with seven faculties and a current enrollment of over 26,000 students. More than 5,000 highly qualified members of the teaching staff, including some 580 professors, teach and conduct research at the 150 University institutes. In the field of life sciences, the University of Zurich is well known for its groundbreaking research in medicine, immunology, neuroscience, and structural biology. In the interest of serving the community, the University of Zurich promotes the transfer of research-based knowledge to private enterprise, and our spin-off ventures and business partnerships regularly lead to the creation of attractive jobs in innovative fields.

University of Zurich

Wagistrasse 12

8952 Schlieren

1 Ergebnisse für "lars" unter University of Zurich, Georg Friedrich Götz-Preis 2017 Georg Friedrich Götz-Stiftung Medizinische Fakultät der Universit...

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